Avocado Toast

Made fresh on toasted whole grain bread with your choice of toppings including: everything but the bagel seasoning, organic cayenne pepper, organic red pepper, organic garlic powder, organic onion powder and organic ground black pepper and garnished with leaves of arugula. Such a great, hearty snack option!

To-Go Snacks 

May or may not include:
Aussie Bites, Betty Lou fruit bars, Biena Chickpeas, Bulletproof collagen bars, Clif Bars, Frooze Balls, Health Warrior Chia Bar, Hippeas, Kind mini bars, Lenny and Larry's Cookies, Nut Energy Balls, ONE Protein Bars, Overnight Oats, Paleo Bars, Pirates Booty, Power Crunch Bar, Pure Fit, Pure Organic Fruit Bars, RX Bars, Stacy's Simply Naked Pita Chips, Swiig Berry Go Rounds, Swiig Energy Bites, Swiig Sesame Sticks, Vega Bars, Veggie Crisps Off the Eaten Pat

Fuel Smoothie Café
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